> Robot Parts

Elenco Deluxe Learn to Solder Kit

Elenco Deluxe Learn to Solder Kit

SKU:  MWR-SK175  
Our Price : $32.25 

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Elenco ® Deluxe Learn to Solder Kit

Build this kit and learn basic soldering techniques.  You will learn to solder on a state-of-the-art printed circuit board using an electronically-controlled soldering station with a temperature range of 350F to 900F.

If you have never soldered before or just want to sharpen your skills, this Learn by Doing® module makes soldering fun.  Almost every electronic device today has a printed circuit board.  Whether you are assembling a PC board or repairing it, you must understand the basics of working with these boards.

Good soldering requires practice and an understanding of soldering principles.  This solder practice project will help you achieve good soldering techniques, help you to become familiar with a variety of electronic components, and provide you with dynamic results.  If the circuit has been assembled and soldered properly, then two LED's will alternately flash and the speaker will produce a wailing sound.


This kit contains the following:

  • SL-75 Variable temperature station with conical tip
  • SL-75T2 Wedge tip
  • SP-1A Solder practice kit
  • ST-1 Side cutters
  • SE-1 Solder ease kit

All packed together in a handy box with handle for carrying.

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