OWI Rockit Robot OWI introduces to their award winning Beginner Series of educational electronic robot and science kits...RocKit Robot! The new futuristic style includes high performance and superior materials. Rockit Robot evolves as a spunky little robot that you can build. Explore the fundamentals of robotics with this informative and entertaining robot kit. Appropriate for ages 10 and up, RocKit Robot is an intelligent robot with a touch/sound sensor.
If it comes in contact with an object or hears a loud noise (such as hands clapping), RocKit Robot automatically reverses, then turns left before embarking on a new course.Rockit Robot is lots of fun from the moment it arrives. Requiring only basic hand tools and soldering equipment, it contains step-by-step instructions, unassembled printed circuit board, condenser microphone,and an easy-to-assemble mechanical drive system. It's an ideal gift for the educator, hobbyist or budding scientist.
Awards: RocKit Robot has been selected by the Children's Institute For Childhood Resources as one of the "100 Best Children's Products" and "10 Best Software/High Tech Products" for 2001.
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